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Amazon Cloudsearch With Ruby And Asari Moving Towards 1.0

When you need to offer advanced search in your Ruby based application you have a number of options. People often will look at using a Lucene based solution such as Solr or Elasticsearch. The only problem is that you will

Posted in Development, gems, rails, ruby, scaling Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Are You Data Literate?

We live in a world where data has become more important than ever. In fact, the World Economic Forum calls data the new “It currency”, every bit as valuable as oil and gold. Yet, despite the fact that data has

Posted in analytics, Architecture, Data Science, Database, Development, scaling, sql Tagged with: , , ,

How Much Data Do You Really Need?

We live in a world where knowledge is believed to equal power. As a result, most of us abhor the uncertainty of not knowing. When we have questions, we want to turn to data – cold, hard facts — to

Posted in analytics, Data Science, Database, Development, scaling Tagged with: , ,

A Sane Oauth Federation Strategy With Doorkeeper in Ruby

There are a lot of articles out there about setting up one server with Doorkeeper to offer Oauth support in Ruby projects. But when you start to get into federating your Oauth credentials across services it turns into the wild

Posted in Architecture, Development, gems, rails, ruby, scaling Tagged with: , , , , ,

Before You Can Think Big Data, You Need to Think Big Clean!

“Big Data” and “data science” have become buzzwords and focus areas for many companies. However, the key to predictive analytics is not data size or more sophisticated tools; it’s clean data. Quality Matters In a previous post about the importance

Posted in analytics, Data Science, Database, scaling Tagged with: , , ,

HTTParty Cookies and Devise

So you are working in Ruby, you like to party, you like HTTP and you like cookies. For many ruby developers the HTTParty is a great way to make http calls from your ruby code to a web service. When

Posted in Architecture, Development, gems, rails, ruby, scaling Tagged with: , , , , ,

Using OmniAuth to Authenticate for Doorkeeper

In Ruby, if you want to set up a Oauth provider the Doorkeeper Gem is a popular solution. We had a application where we wanted to provide our end users with a oauth interface for our main authentication/authorization, but delegate

Posted in Architecture, Development, rails, ruby, scaling Tagged with: , , , , ,

Automating Your SOA Ruby Development Environment Using Foreman and Bash

The Monolithic App When you have one monolithic ruby stack,  getting a developers machine to run the stack for smoke testing etc. is really easy.  If the application is just Rails based without any background jobs you simply start up

Posted in Agile, Architecture, Database, Development, gems, rails, ruby, scaling Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Analytics for the Busy Ruby Developer Slides are up!

Recently I gave a talk at Rubyconf Taiwan about Analytics in Ruby.  Check out the slides below!

Posted in AngularJS, Database, Development, gems, Glass, Javascript, Mobile, rails, ruby, scaling Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Writing a Non-Gemified Strategy for OmniAuth

The OmniAuth gem tends to be one of the go-to tools in a Ruby developer’s toolbox when you want to authenticate against multiple systems. It has been around for a long time and is very well-documented. When you want to

Posted in Development, gems, rails, rails, ruby, scaling Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,