Blog Archives

Android Things with Raspberry Pi: Workshop Basics Part I (Connecting to the Network)

Around the beginning of 2017, Google introduced an IoT platform called Android Things, which makes it easy for Android developers to develop IoT applications. Given Polyglot Programming’s interest in both IoT and Android, we were very early adopters of this

Posted in Android, Android Things, Development, Uncategorized Tagged with: , ,

Purr Programming Shirt Part 1 — The Hardware

If you’ve met the folks at Polyglot Programming, you know that we love cats, t-shirts, and wearables. Which is, of course, exactly why we recently came up with an idea to combine all three into a project. No, we didn’t

Posted in Android, Development, MetaWear, Mobile, Uncategorized, Wearables Tagged with: , , ,

Creating a Software Development Career

This month’s Atlanta Ruby User group had two sessions related to marketing yourself as a developer.  One focused on Jobs (great job Al) and then one talked a bit about personal branding.  While getting a job is important,  and having

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WearScript, Google Glass, and Keynote Speaker Notes

I’ve been a Glass explorer since December of 2013. If you’ve seen me around since then, you’d know that I’m usually wearing my Glass when I’m out and about. Some of its preinstalled apps, such as the one for navigation,

Posted in Development, Glass, Javascript, Mobile, Uncategorized, Wearables Tagged with: , , , , ,

Atlanta Startup Weekend… Thoughts, Rants and a Call to Action

With Atlanta Startup Weekend behind us, I wanted to write a recap of my thoughts on the event. As always, the organizers did a wonderful job. Compared to previous weekends I’ve participated in, this event has come a long way.

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