Ethics is defined as a code of conduct that represents an individual or group’s ideal for appropriate and honorable behavior. To act ethically, you must understand the difference between right and wrong and be willing to accept responsibility and accountability for your actions. Ethics is especially important to professionals like doctors, lawyers, and teachers, who are legally required to abide by the established codes of conduct of their respective governing bodies in order to obtain a practice license.
While software engineers are not required to belong to a professional organization with prescribed standards for behavior, software engineering ethics is becoming equally important in a world where one developer’s code could potentially impact the lives of millions.
In this series, we will be discussing how and why software engineers and developers have a responsibility to society and the public good. We will also look at real-life situations where it might be harder to distinguish right from wrong. Finally, we will discuss resources to help software engineers learn more about ethical decision-making.
Stay tuned for Part 1!