Blog Archives

Purr Programming Shirt Part 1 — The Hardware

If you’ve met the folks at Polyglot Programming, you know that we love cats, t-shirts, and wearables. Which is, of course, exactly why we recently came up with an idea to combine all three into a project. No, we didn’t

Posted in Android, Development, MetaWear, Mobile, Uncategorized, Wearables Tagged with: , , ,

Measuring Your Heart Rate on Android Using MetaWear

While the MbientLab MetaWear has a number of sensors built into the board, it also has the ability to interface with a host of analog sensors. With many wearable devices focusing on fitness, you might find yourself needing to integrate

Posted in Android, MetaWear, Mobile, Wearables Tagged with: , ,

Logging Thermistor Data With The MetaWear

The MetaWear board allows you to easily create bluetooth enabled low power wearable devices. Unlike many solutions, as an Android developer you can write applications that program, and interact with the board using a API. We recently created an application

Posted in Android, MetaWear, Mobile, Wearables Tagged with: , ,

Adding Gradients to Android Graphs with MPAndroidChart and DecoView

Recently, we worked on a project that required us to add graphs with gradients to an Android application. Below is an example of one such graph that we needed to create: There are lots of examples online that show how

Posted in analytics, Android, Data Science, Development, Mobile Tagged with: , , , , ,

Interacting with the Android lifecycle in a Cordova Plugin

Anyone who’s attended one of my talks during the past year, knows that I love Mbientlab’s MetaWear boards. They’re great for prototyping wearables that offer rich APIs for Android and iOS. That said, when you’re prototyping a device, you may

Posted in Android, Cordova, Development, Javascript, Mobile, Wearables Tagged with: , , ,

Creating a Pedometer Using MetaWear and Android

Six months ago we started to play with a really cool wearable prototyping board called MetaWear from Mbientlab. If you haven’t heard of them you can read about the platform over here.  The idea behind them is that they are

Posted in Android, Mobile, Wearables Tagged with: , , ,

Using Google Glass For Reveal.js Speaker Notes

I have been a Glass explorer since last November and regularly give a lot of talks at conferences and meetups. One of the first things that I really wanted to have was a way to have my speaker notes be

Posted in Development, Glass, Javascript, Mobile, Wearables Tagged with: , , , , ,

WearScript, Google Glass, and Keynote Speaker Notes

I’ve been a Glass explorer since December of 2013. If you’ve seen me around since then, you’d know that I’m usually wearing my Glass when I’m out and about. Some of its preinstalled apps, such as the one for navigation,

Posted in Development, Glass, Javascript, Mobile, Uncategorized, Wearables Tagged with: , , , , ,