In the previous installment of this blog series, we talked about setting up a service to talk to the MetaWear board. In the app, we flash and change the colors of the LEDs on the t-shirt by sending broadcast intents…
Anyone who’s attended one of my talks during the past year, knows that I love Mbientlab’s MetaWear boards. They’re great for prototyping wearables that offer rich APIs for Android and iOS. That said, when you’re prototyping a device, you may…
Passbook is a often under utilized feature of IOS. For those who haven’t used it, Passbook is a app that comes with all phones running IOS 6 and above. Passes can be mailed, shared, retrieved from a website or delivered…
I’ve been a Glass explorer since December of 2013. If you’ve seen me around since then, you’d know that I’m usually wearing my Glass when I’m out and about. Some of its preinstalled apps, such as the one for navigation,…